
Showing posts from February, 2021

Know About Some Common Fitting Issues for Bodice Patterns

This blog is all about fitting the bodice patterns. The pattern is one of the most important parts of garment making. If the pattern went wrong, it might give rise to several designing mistakes that will further harm the outfit's overall fitting. Hence, if you are making the pattern with the Sitam AB pattern system's help or following the manual pattern guidelines, you should avoid common mistakes and try the pattern perfectly. Fitting the body waistline The bodice waist might not fit all the time. It can be too tight or too large for the original body structure. The waist-level can sometimes be too high or too low. These are some of the simple issues that should be corrected. If the waist level is too high or too low, you can slice the front and back pieces and add extra lengths or overlap the pieces to shorten the level. It is suggested to adjust the lines and darts after you complete. Fitting Of the Bodice Hips What if the circumference of the hips is too small or too large...

Take Up Dressmaking and Sewing Pattern Creation as A Hobby

Sewing is a beautiful hobby to pursue. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to make your own clothes. Dress patterns in Australia enable you to create a unique style and size that fits correctly on the figure. Taking up a new hobby as pattern making can be daunting for a beginner. This is why we are here to help. If you want to dip your toes in the sewing adventure, keep on reading this post. Tips for sewing for beginners Supplies Dressmaking needs you to have supplies to get the job done right. If you are sewing for the first time, there are certain things you would require, including sharp scissors, a seam ripper, a measuring tape, thread, pins and snips. You will need a sewing machine too. Fabric The fabric you choose has a vital role to play in how you sew. For beginners, it is suggested to start sewing with cotton fabrics. They are easier to pin together, and you can easily put them under the sewing machine too. It is always wise to purchase less expensive fabrics for...